Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Golfing - Watercolor

I am sure you are wondering why I am painting yesterday's oil
painting in watercolor today.  It is because I realized I did it backwards.  Not the image, but the process.  I should have done this before the oil painting.  It would have saved me time and my colors, values and shapes would have been more accurate.
Painting is a skill, the more you practice the better it gets.  It's like when you cook something often, it gets better and better.  If I had painted the little watercolor first, I would have studied the tiny shapes better.  I would have been more aware of the subtle value differences.  I would have trained my eye to see the color differences more accurately.
I guess it is like training children.  You tell them over and over and wonder why they aren't getting it. I know that doing a color study and even a value study will improve my final product. So why did I decide to jump off the side of the porch when it would have been much easier to use the steps???

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