Sunday, January 4, 2015

Springs series

I really don't like to work on Sundays.  Since I consider my painting work, I have a hard time trying to think about what to paint.  I decided it was time to try alcohol inks. Since I have never used them, it will be like play. They have a mind of their own so it will keep me loose.
I grew up in North Florida where there are many natural water springs that bubble up out of the ground.  They are usually very cold, deep, clear water.  They are connected by caves where divers come from all over the world to explore.  They have always fascinated me.  I am very excited to show you the beginnings of a new series.
This is the first painting in what I am going to call my "Sunday Springs series".  It reminds me of standing on the rocks on the side of the springs with the water bubbling up all around.  I hope you can feel the excitement as I do!  I stand in awe of the things the Lord has made!  Have a blessed day!
Thank you for taking the time to view my work. Please feel free to leave a comment or share this post with your friends. Please come again!


  1. Pretty color combination!

    1. Thank you, June! A friend of mine from England, Stephie Butler, introduced me to the alcohol inks. I watched your videos for inspiration! I am honored you viewed my work!
